Forum Columns

In over your head?

On November 27, 2016, I wrote my first column for The Forum after receiving a personal invitation from Bill Marcil Jr. With both of our busy schedules, I hadn’t talked to Bill for two years. But, Bill emailed me and invited me to his office. He had a couple of items on his heart. I was so glad to spend time with him as our conversations are always insightful and helpful to me.

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Prairie Heights Sermons

God Never Said That

Forum Columns

Don’t give up, men

The strength of our nation is not in our political system, our military supremacy, or our key economic indicators. The strength and foundational piece of any society is our families and, specifically, our marriages/ Our community or nation will never be stronger or healthier than our homes.

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Prairie Heights Sermons

God Never Said That

Forum Columns

Tips for becoming a good connector

Effective leaders must learn to become great connectors, not to become a better leader but because people really matter. How are you doing at connecting with the ten people you hope will circle your hospital bed as your time here on earth ends? What can you do today to “CHAT” with them?

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Prairie Heights Sermons

Powered by Purpose

Forum Columns

Communicating and connecting

You will never go any further in life or leadership than your ability to connect and communicate with others. For all of us this includes one-on-one communication. For many it includes communicating to a small group. For some this also means the dreaded, frightening public speaking. Effective communication is key to the effective outcomes of almost every initiative: marriage, parenting, customer service, relationships, construction projects, growing organizations and winning teams..

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