Forum Columns

Ready, set, grow, Part 2

Last Sunday we started a discussion on maturity as described in the book of James in the Bible. The first test of maturity is, “How do I react to problems?” Every problem in my life can either be a stepping stone to further maturity or a stumbling block holding me to immaturity. That is the choice we make.

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Forum Columns

Ready, set, grow, Part 1

Towards the end of the New Testament of the Bible there is a fascinating book full of practical wisdom; the book of James. I highly recommend reading through James at least once a year. In most Bibles it is only several pages as it contains five short chapters. But, it is not a book to read through quickly. I recommend a chapter a day and reading the same chapter several days in a row. This is an intentional way to put yourself in position to receive wisdom from God.

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Forum Columns

You are a blessing

Two years ago I was invited by Bill Marcil Jr. to write a Sunday column for Forum Communications. I fearfully said yes, trusting that God could use me. I respect Bill and did not want to let him down. Well, I have been shocked at the amount and spread of positive feedback I have received. For those of you who weekly read this column, I am truly honored that you do. I’m sure some weeks connect with you more than others, but the fact you regularly read tells me you find this column helpful to your life journey and that means so much to me.

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Forum Columns

Hard core values

In 1982, Tylenol, made by Johnson and Johnson, was the leading pain-killer medicine. They held 35 percent of the market share. Sadly, there were seven mysterious deaths via poisoning within a short time in the Chicago area. Detectives put the details together, realizing the source of the poisoning was from extra-strength Tylenol purchased from five different Chicago stores. Someone had tampered with the product and laced the tablets with potassium cyanide.

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