2020 Israel Trip

Have you ever thought about taking a tour of Israel? Seeing the places where Jesus stood?  I had an amazing time in Israel. Being a part of a communion service on the Sea of Galilee; Standing in the courtyard where Peter denied Jesus 3 times; The tour group reading their Bibles together on the spots Jesus spoke to the crowd – Unforgettable! Which is why I am so excited to experience this trip with Prairie Heighters!

There are 2 main reasons God gave me for taking this trip with you:

  1. It will affirm, strengthen, and give roots to your faith.
  2. It will give you a deeper hunger for the Bible, God’s Word.

For an informational brochure with all the details of the trip click HERE.

Register HERE.  Trip Id: jhauser20

Already Registered? Check out our planning page.

Check out this video on a previous trip to Israel by David Rosenberry, the Pastor who led the trip I went on in January 2019.
