Forum Columns

What we leave behind

I spent 16 hours browsing, sorting, and disposing her belongings. It was exhausting, educational, impactful and surreal. I finished with sore muscles, a deeper appreciation for her life, and a thought to share with you.

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Forum Columns

Family trials

Full of questions, doubts and fears for Dad’s future, I have watched eight children come together unlike they ever have before, sharing memories, asking how each other are doing, caring for each other and discussing every topic under the sun.

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Forum Columns

All Of Us Will Travel With Grief

Grief is a journey. Don’t take shortcuts. Life is difficult. We need each other. We all

need God. Don’t run from Him when you face pain. Where is God today? “He is close to the

brokenhearted and saving those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

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