Prairie Heights Sermons

Activate Your Gifts

Forum Columns

I am a child of God

Here is Lynette’s story: I grew up attending church every Sunday with my parents and Faith Formation classes every Wednesday. I knew about Christ, but often felt lost when it came to my faith. I could repeat what I read, but I didn’t have or learn a connection with God or how to walk alongside Jesus….

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Prairie Heights Sermons

Engage My Future

Forum Columns

Processing our pain in a helpful way

Ignoring the pain, minimizing the pain, overcompensating for the pain, internalizing the pain, and medicating the pain are commonly implemented and universally unhelpful. So, here are five helpful steps to process our pain. These are great steps to teach our children and grand-children. If we can help our children learn them as they are growing up, they can process pain much healthier throughout their adult lives.

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Forum Columns

Ways one should not process pain

In this world, we will have heartache and pain. When we face pain we need two things. We must suspend our analysis, seek comfort and process the pain.

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Prairie Heights Sermons

Deepen My Faith

Forum Columns

What do we do with our pain?

A month ago I hung up a wood message board in my 10-year-old daughter, Brooke’s, bathroom. A week later, as she was getting ready for school, we heard a loud bang in her bathroom. Soon after, she came out with tears in her eyes and a red mark on her foot. My wife, Teri, gave her a hug. After Brooke got herself composed I asked her, “What happened?” She said the message board fell off her wall and landed on her foot. My immediate thought was “I hope I didn’t do that to her by not putting a big enough nail in the wall.” So I asked her, “How did it fall?” She said she was not paying attention and bumped into it while combing her hair. I was sorry it happened but relieved I didn’t cause it. This was not my brightest shining moment as a dad. At that point in time it was not helpful for me to analyze. I struggle with that and have hurt my wife and my children by doing that.

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Forum Columns

Connect with Christ and a church family

Here is Vicky’s story: “Growing up in a religious home, I was raised to believe that you had to go to church each Sunday; there was no choice. I did not enjoy it; there was no fellowship; I got nothing out of the sermon, rituals, or gospel readings. When I asked questions, there didn’t seem to be answers; no part of it was ever explained in a way that was easy to understand. I really felt that going to church had been a waste of time….”

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Prairie Heights Sermons

The Domino Effect

Forum Columns

Healing for scars

As a 7-year-old I was riding my bike, playing with neighborhood kids, having a blast on a warm summer day. I was hard on my jeans and when the knees wore out or the jeans got too short, my mom would cut them off and I would wear them as shorts. I was wearing cut-offs, as we played that day, and one of the kids teased me about the birthmark on my left calf.

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