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Start great and stay great

With every fun activity there are procedures or boundaries that help it to start great and stay great. The same is true for sex. The Bible indicates that sex rocks; it is so fun! But we have to practice it God’s way or it will not start great or stay great.

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The seasons of dating and marriage

The post-season begins when you stand before God and make a marriage commitment. You love each other unconditionally. You continually work on yourself and invest in your marriage. You enjoy great and Godly sex within marriage, learning that sex is the glue that bonds you and your spouse together and gives greater depth and meaning to the other areas of intimacy

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The Bible is the key to a red-hot marriage

If we want good advice about sex it seems to me we should turn to the person who created sex. He may be the best one to teach us. Sex was created and designed by God. And God actually knew what He was doing when He created love, dating, sex and marriage. In fact, there is an entire book in the Bible, Song of Songs, dedicated to the subject. Yep, the culture was different, but the wisdom and principles are timeless.

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Faithful Attraction

In the first two chapters of Song of Songs in the Bible you will find at least four qualities that will help you build a faithful attraction. The first one is Godly character. In our society we worship the external appearance. It is unfortunate that we focus so little time on our character and on the character of those around us. Godly character is the foundation that every marriage must have. A great marriage isn’t so much about finding the right person as it is about becoming the right person. Who you are is who you will attract.

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We will seek wisdom about sex and love

The reality is that most people in our society are learning about sex on the playground, at the bar, on the internet, or from the media. We all have a right to our opinion, but those may not be the most accurate and helpful sources on this topic.

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Touch a heart before asking for a hand

Faith in and obedience to God opens up possibilities to lasting greatness. And to be great at a sport or anything else without a relationship with Christ was temporary at best.

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Spirit, Strategy can put end to addiction

Addiction is a complex issue but there is hope. A humble, spiritually hungry, courageous heart is needed. A community of faith where we share our stories and build authentic relationships is needed.

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All Of Us Will Travel With Grief

Grief is a journey. Don’t take shortcuts. Life is difficult. We need each other. We all

need God. Don’t run from Him when you face pain. Where is God today? “He is close to the

brokenhearted and saving those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

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Sure You’re Not Hurting Anyone?

Whenever we follow a truth, our lives our blessed. When we believe and practice a lie, our lives suffer. Living a high-impact, healthy life requires us to search for the truth.

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Your ‘BUTS’ Will Make A Difference

‘BUTS’ can either subtly and innocently appear as excuses or can be bold statements of resolute faith and fortitude. Choose your ‘buts’ wisely.

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