Forum Columns

Salt and light

I am 100 percent convinced the greatest need in North Dakota is not social systems, political policy, economic escalation in oil or commodity pricing, or even educational excellence. While each of these is important, the greatest need in North Dakota is Godly, effective leaders grounded in and humbly following our Creator.

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Forum Columns

Powered by purpose

Seventeen years ago my wife, Teri, and I quit our jobs, sold our home in Blaine, Minn., and moved to Fargo-Moorhead to pursue a dream God planted in our hearts. We were happy and comfortable in Blaine; living the American dream. We both grew up in economically very “humble” families and here we were, living in the suburbs of the Twin Cities as homeowners, raising our son, while living close to family and friends.

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Forum Columns

What every leader must do

I try to limit the items I obsess over. I think that is wise and increases the potential for a more rewarding, higher impact life. It is rarely helpful to major on the minor or be consumed with the common. One of satan’s greatest tactics to limit our positive impact is to distract us with the ordinary while missing out on the extraordinary.

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Forum Columns

Symbols of my life

My father-in-law, Bill, enjoyed a normal day on April 2, until late in the afternoon when he started violently throwing up and experiencing extreme shivers. He was taken into the emergency room and diagnosed with strep throat. While in the hospital, the infection attacked his heart and lungs and when his kidneys declined further he passed away.

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Forum Columns

Family trials

Full of questions, doubts and fears for Dad’s future, I have watched eight children come together unlike they ever have before, sharing memories, asking how each other are doing, caring for each other and discussing every topic under the sun.

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Forum Columns

I deserve it

Have you ever said “Well, she got what she deserved”? We live in a world with cause and effect, and we are okay with each of us “getting what we deserve.” Our mindset is tell me what you have done along with a few surrounding details and I can tell you if you got what you deserve.

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Forum Columns

Going forward through failure

Failure is not to be feared, but the dangers of failing are that we believe we are failures or we allow failure to be the final chapter. Both of these scenarios are absolutely tragic. So, how do we grow forward through failure?

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Forum Columns

Freedom from scars

Do you want to be free from the scars of your past? Jesus said the way is to fill your life with truth; for it is “the truth that sets us free!”

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Forum Columns

Fighting fair

In healthy conflict, your spouse is never the enemy. Unclear communication, misunderstanding, isolation, fear, mistrust—these are the enemies. In healthy conflict we do not fight to win, we fight for healthy relationships, learning about our spouse, and for resolution.

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Forum Columns

Leadership matters

I am convinced the greatest need in the world is Godly, effective leadership. A great leader grows in all four leadership arenas: spiritual leadership, self-leadership, people leadership, and organizational leadership. Godly effective leaders make a positive influence and difference in their families, city, church and businesses.

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