Forum Columns

You will never know unless you go

In April of 2000 I resigned from my engineering job in Minneapolis. Our family loved living in the Twin Cities. We were near family for the first time in our married life, had a great church home, good friends and good jobs. We were comfortable. But in 1993, we accepted a mission God placed on our heart: to help one more person find hope and life in Jesus Christ based on 1 Corinthians 9:23. So, we were moving to Fargo-Moorhead to start a new church for people who don’t like going to church.

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Forum Columns

Prayer can be dangerous

For those who believe in the practice and power of prayer there are many words that come to our mind when we think about prayer: encouraging, enlightening, helpful, meaningful, hopeful, calming or strengthening are some that would be common. Dangerous is probably not a word that comes to most of our minds when we think of prayer. But prayer can definitely be dangerous, for several reasons.

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Prairie Heights Sermons


Prairie Heights Sermons


Prairie Heights Sermons

Day of Healing


Prairie Heights Sermons

Day of Healing

Forum Columns

Family trials

Full of questions, doubts and fears for Dad’s future, I have watched eight children come together unlike they ever have before, sharing memories, asking how each other are doing, caring for each other and discussing every topic under the sun.

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