Forum Columns

Healing from grief and loss

Grief and loss is a journey all of us wish to avoid but a journey all of us go on, in significant and smaller ways. Earlier this year, through a discussion with my counselor, God taught me a tool to help with grief and loss. I’ve added my thoughts to his thoughts and I’m so excited to share this with you.

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Prairie Heights Sermons

The Scar of Loss

Forum Columns

Thoughts on Easter season

I believe, as humans, we are created in the image of God…every one of us. We are unique from every other living organism in that we can reflect God’s character. This includes a deep desire for authentic relationships; the ability to receive and express love; the capacity for complex thinking and problem solving; and to respond to or reject the leadership and invitations for hope and healing initiated by our Divine Creator.

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Forum Columns

I have this hope

Last week, I chatted about writing with a marketing director from Wisconsin. She writes for brochures, the company website and marketing emails. Her topic is always given to her. When I told her I write a weekly column her immediate question was, “How do you know what to write about?” I replied, “That is a great question. I try to think about those reading the column and ask God to provide something helpful to at least one of them.”

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